Sylvain Daudé
Former member (Ph.D. student, déc. 2004)
Research interests
Thesis Title :
Integrating sound in Augmented Reality interfaces : Earcons + Phycons = Phearcons.
Context :
Augmented reality, sonification.
phD supervisor :
Laurence Nigay.
Recent publications [all]
A Tool for Designing Sonifications of Background Monitored Information Sources (2004)
In DVD Proceedings of the 2nd Sound Design International Symposium, Centre Pompidou, Paris.
Daudé, Nigay -
Objets physiques pour manipuler des sources sonores - Phicon + Earcon = Phearcon (2004)
In Actes des Premières Journées Francophones Mobilité et Ubiquité 2004.
Daudé, Nigay -
Design process for auditory interfaces (2003)
In Conference Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Auditory Display.
Daudé, Nigay