publications([{ "lang": "en", "type_publi": "icolcomlec", "doi": "", "title": "Designing Disambiguation Techniques for Pointing in the Physical World", "abstract": "Several ways for selecting physical objects exist, including touching and pointing at them. Allowing the user to interact at a distance by pointing at physical objects can be challenging when the environment contains a large number of interactive physical objects, possibly occluded by other everyday items. Previous pointing techniques highlighted the need for disambiguation techniques. Addressing this challenge, this paper contributes a design space that organizes along groups and axes a set of options for designers to relevantly (1) describe, (2) classify, and (3) design disambiguation techniques. First, we have not found techniques in the literature yet that our design space could not describe. Second, all the techniques show a different path along the axes of our design space. Third, it allows defining of several new paths/solutions that have not yet been explored. We illustrate this generative power with the example of such a designed technique, Physical Pointing Roll (P2Roll).", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "William", "last_name": "Delamare" }, "2": { "first_name": "Céline", "last_name": "Coutrix" }, "3": { "first_name": "Laurence", "last_name": "Nigay" } }, "year": 2013, "uri": "", "pages": "197-206", "bibtype": "inproceedings", "id": 628, "abbr": "DCN13a", "address": "London, UK", "date": "2013-04-22", "document": "", "type": "Conférences internationales de large diffusion avec comité de lecture sur texte complet", "booktitle": "Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems (EICS 2013)" }]);