   "lang": "en",
   "type_publi": "autre",
   "title": "Characterizing User Roles in HCI Technologies for Nature Exploration",
   "url": "",
   "abstract": "The exploration and the discovery of nature through walk- ing, cycling, touring, trekking and hiking are targeted by this work, part of an on-going research on persuasive user in- teraction. Considering HCI solutions dedicated to discover and explore nature, we uncover several classes of roles that users may endorse during a long-term usage of such in- teractive solutions. We claim the importance of these roles as, leveraging persuasion, they may contribute to increase the nature discovery experience and to sustain motivation through user interaction. In this contribution we share the early insights from our first studies on the Mhikes platform, designed for such kind of nature-involved activities, and present our research directions for further investigations.",
   "authors": {
      "1": {
         "first_name": "Alessandro",
         "last_name": "Fenicio"
      "2": {
         "first_name": "Gaƫlle",
         "last_name": "Calvary"
      "3": {
         "first_name": "Yann",
         "last_name": "Laurillau"
   "year": 2017,
   "uri": "",
   "pages": "5",
   "bibtype": "unpublished",
   "id": 790,
   "abbr": "FCL17a",
   "address": "AUS",
   "date": "2017-09-21",
   "document": "",
   "type": "Autres publications",
   "booktitle": "The 2nd workshop on NatureCHI - Unobtrusive User Experiences with Technology in Nature (MobileHCI '17)"